Fire Risk Assessment News

Fire Safety Audit – Guide For Basic Fire Risk Assessment

Fire Safety Audit - Guide For Basic Fire Risk Assessment

Within the working environment the same principle applies, but the importance of good risk management is far more important as the lives and livelihoods of many are often at stake.

Processes must be controlled to safeguard property and people, who may or may not be able to control procedures themselves. For instance, electrical wiring in an office may have been designed to meet the load of five computers, but can it safely supply power when five new appliances are added?

Few small to medium sized companies remain in business following a serious fire.

Following the Regulatory Reform Order companies with more than 5 members of staff must carry out a risk assessment, this guide is designed to aid this process and ensure your premises are up to date with new legislation and fire safety.

With simple, detailed information, checklists, advice and forms this guide is suitable for all small to medium business.

We use your outstanding publication as a benchmark for a guide to basic fire risk assessments during presentations to our clients in Fire Awareness, Fire Warden, Fire Marshal and Fire Risk Assessors courses”

Nigel Burgess
Advanced Training Solutions