Fire Sector Federation releases Summary Report
Fire Sector Federation releases Summary Report
The Fire Sector Federation (FSF) has released a Summary Report which offers an introduction to the Fire Sector Federation, reviewing its history, structure and achievements to date, as well as examining how it can help in developing future fire policy.
The FSF Summary Report 2015, Fire Professionals Working in Partnership, explains that the Federation was originally established in response to the Fire Futures review, launched in July 2010 by the then Fire and Rescue Minister Bob Neill MP.
Bringing together representatives from the wide range of stakeholders which make up the multi-billion pound UK fire industry, the FSF offers support to Government, providing a single voice on the views of the wider fire sector and providing authoritative advice and input on policy matters.
The report details the FSF’s achievements, outlining its project work, its involvement in producing guidance documents and its role in influencing industry and Government policy through consultations and debate within its many workstreams.
Key achievements detailed include:
- Producing technical guidance, including: Repealed Local Act – Guidance, which provides advice to those who may be considering the removal of fire safety measures that were incorporated into existing buildings under the auspices of the now repealed Local Acts; and Fire Safety and Sustainability in Building Design which aims to help people to consider how to make a building sustainable in the face of fire and promote a low environmental impact; and assisting the Government in its review the Building Control & Fire Safety Procedural Guidance.
- Bringing together insurers, British Approvals for Fire Equipment, the Fire Protection Association, the Chief Fire Officers Association and the Fire Industry Association in an Automatic False Alarms Project which aims to investigate the cause of false alarms and examine how technology can provide a solution. The project involved working with the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, where several problem installations have been monitored and improved. Early results are proving promising.
- Undertaking a Federation-wide survey, to investigate and prioritise issues which should be considered in any review of the Building Regulations and Approved Document B.
- Offering input to the Department for Business Innovation & Skills consultation on the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988; the Lakanal House inquest; the Knight Review of efficiencies and operations in fire and rescue authorities in England; and the consultation on developing a possible replacement for the Fire and Rescue Service National Framework.
Speaking on the release of the Report, FSF Chairman Brian Robinson stated:
“The Federation has demonstrated its ability to bring together a wide cross-section of the fire sector and provide a unified voice. Drawing from the experience and expertise of its members, who work with or within the built, natural, fire & rescue and national resilience environments, the FSF has proved it can make a significant contribution to ensuring the UK’s national preparedness, resilience, response, mitigation and recovery from fire.”
For further information on the Fire Sector Federation and to download the Summary Report 2015, visit the FSF website,