Emergency Evacuation Posts

Save Energy! Save Costs! Save Lives!

Save Energy! Save Costs! Save Lives!

Ecocell© is the only solution for self evacuation in the event of a fire available today.

M V Lifts have been installing Ecocell© self evacuation lifts for over 10 years, with 200 units now installed throughout the UK.  Ecocell© self evacuation lifts offer unrivalled quality and performance in this sector

With rising energy costs, Ecocell© self evacuation lifts can offer significant operating cost reductions and energy savings whilst being relatively easy to install as an upgrade

The Ecocell©

  • can operate for up to 100 journeys on battery backup
  • the batteries can be trickle charged from a single phase supply or from eco-friendly photo voltaic panels and/or wind turbine sources
  • can be readily converted to fully compliant evacuation lifts
  • can contribute towards BREEAM credits under Ene 8 ’energy efficient lifts’
  • only requires a 900mm pit depth when retro-fitting older less efficient lifts

Through extensive research, listening to our client feedback, and working with our supply chain M V Lifts have recently developed a number of innovative design changes. These include PV Cells for battery charging, visual battery monitoring and our latest innovation – the integrated access control for ‘self’ evacuation in the event of fire

With it’s own in-built secondary power supply, which meets the requirement for 20 minutes of standby power,  the integrated access control for self evacuation has been designed for use with all standard types of proximity detection systems.  This is particularly effective for those systems used by the disabled or those with limited mobility at all times, rather than just for evacuation purposes

Under normal circumstances for evacuation in the event of a fire, the lift would have to be switched to evacuation mode from the master control station by the leading Fire Officer, and this could take at least up to 5 minutes on a large residential type site.

However with the Ecocell self evacuation system, you can reduce the waiting time in the refuge area and occupants could be starting to evacuate the building from the moment that the fire alarm is activated.

The Ecocell© evacuation Lift is fully compliant to BS 9999 and carries a strong BREEAM rating.  With it’s evacuation qualities and energy efficiency, the Ecocell© is the only solution for those considering self evacuation at any stage of their project

It’s time to move lifts up your agenda!  For more information please see www.mvlifts.co.uk, email ecocell@morrisvermaport.co.uk or call our sales team directly on 0115 973 7550

Maintaining your machinery

If your machinery isn’t maintained or checked, it may malfunction. If a malfunction occurs, the equipment may go awry, the equipment may overheat and subsequently cause a fire. Along with your machinery, your fire alarm systems and protection should regularly be maintained and checked, so as to ensure it will still adequately function in the case of a fire outbreak. So make sure your fire alarm system is regularly serviced and maintained!

Manufacturing Fire Safety Emergency Procedures

Fire drills where loud machinery and equipment are being operated, are often difficult to carry out. You will need the right alarm system that can be heard over these. However, drills must be carried at least once a year. All full time and temporary members of staff should be aware of the full evacuation process. If your staff are more experienced in fire procedures, the smoother the evacuation process! Additionally, staff need to understand how to use the fire protection equipment available. To get your staff confident with the use of the fire protection equipment, get them fire warden trained!

Therefore, for more information on manufacturing fire safety and the right fire protection, installations and maintenance for your premises. Call our friendly team on 0845 402 3045 or email sales@assured-ltd.co.uk for more information on Fire Protection Service and MaintenanceFire Alarm InstallationsFire Safety Training or any Fire Risk Assessments!

Published August 2018