What to Do in the Event of Fire?!
What to do in the Event of Fire?!
What to do in the event of fire! Fire action notices, evacuation instruction, fire warden training and staff induction. All vey recommendable phrases and meaningful objectives to ensure the safety of personnel in your building!
However, have you examined the information that abound office walls, industrial corridors and the public build environment that estate managers have put in place for you to follow?
Does it all really make any sense at all? Do the exit signs point in all directions? Does the fire action notice really reflect what you are supposed to do?
Fire safety signs are a vital fire safety arrangement, as important as the fire alarm and the protected means of escape.
The fire safety signing system is the custodian of the fire escape strategy, the single most important arrangement for anyone unfamiliar with the environment.
New European, International and British Standards has led to a real mixture of graphic symbols playing Pictionary with people’s lives. A mixture that presents significant risk in the event of fire.
Whilst the objective of using graphical symbols that transcend language barriers, the reality is proving to be quite the reverse. All ordinary folk are totally confused and in some cases when the contractors fitting safety signs do not know how they are really applied.
A recipe for disaster, particularly in buildings where the general public have access – stations, shopping centres even civic centres, you can notice that all occupants are required to go to an assembly point without any knowledge of the location stated.
In shopping centres you can notice escape signage not only pointing in all directions but escape signage leading you into a shop as an escape route. Is that correct?
If you would like any technical guidance of fire safety signing, we have good guidance to help and it is free to download.

Maintaining your machinery
If your machinery isn’t maintained or checked, it may malfunction. If a malfunction occurs, the equipment may go awry, the equipment may overheat and subsequently cause a fire. Along with your machinery, your fire alarm systems and protection should regularly be maintained and checked, so as to ensure it will still adequately function in the case of a fire outbreak. So make sure your fire alarm system is regularly serviced and maintained!
Manufacturing Fire Safety Emergency Procedures
Fire drills where loud machinery and equipment are being operated, are often difficult to carry out. You will need the right alarm system that can be heard over these. However, drills must be carried at least once a year. All full time and temporary members of staff should be aware of the full evacuation process. If your staff are more experienced in fire procedures, the smoother the evacuation process! Additionally, staff need to understand how to use the fire protection equipment available. To get your staff confident with the use of the fire protection equipment, get them fire warden trained!
Therefore, for more information on manufacturing fire safety and the right fire protection, installations and maintenance for your premises. Call our friendly team on 0845 402 3045 or email sales@assured-ltd.co.uk for more information on Fire Protection Service and Maintenance, Fire Alarm Installations, Fire Safety Training or any Fire Risk Assessments!
Published August 2018