BM TRADA opens booking for sell-out seminars
BM TRADA opens booking for sell-out seminars
With the first of its 2015 events already sold out, BM TRADA is recommending early booking to assure a place on one of its highly popular Fire Doors Explained CPD seminars.
Delivered by experts, the highly interactive events use live fire demonstrations and pre-recorded film footage, as well as traditional seminar sessions, to provide an excellent overview of fire door design, manufacture, testing, installation and certification.
Aimed at anyone with a responsibility for the manufacture, installation, maintenance or inspection of fire doors, the seminars provide all those attending with an in-depth understanding of the structure and each of the components that make up a fire-resisting doorset, fire test requirements and the role of third party certification. They will also learn how to install a fire door correctly and to identify issues which will determine whether or not a doorset will achieve the required performance.
An integral part of each seminar is a live fire door test, which offers delegates an opportunity to see first hand the crucial role played by fire doors in saving lives and property. The hour-long fire resistance test features two identical doors subjected to a prolonged period of fire. One of the doors will have been correctly specified and fitted, while the other will demonstrate many of the common mistakes made.
The test will clearly expose the significant difference in fire resistance between the two doors, highlighting the importance of appropriate specification and installation and clearly demonstrating why a door must be adequately maintained throughout its life.
With all of the places at the first event in February fully booked well in advance, delegates are advised to book now to avoid disappointment.
The remaining 2015 seminars, priced at just £349 + VAT (£299 + VAT for TRADA members), are scheduled to take place at the company’s world class testing laboratories in High Wycombe on: 28 April; 30 June; 15 September and 24 November.
For further information or to book, visit the BM TRADA website:; email:; or tel: +44 (0) 1494 569744