CFOA welcomes new TSI Code of Practice on Sky Lanterns
CFOA welcomes new TSI Code of Practice on Sky Lanterns
The Chief Fire Officers Association (CFOA) has welcomed the issue of a new code of practice for sky lanterns from the Trading Standards Institute1 (TSI) which is aimed at manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers.
The guidance, which has been produced by the TSI in conjunction with government and industry, advises on good practice in the manufacture, distribution, retail and use of sky lanterns in the UK. It covers four areas: design and manufacture; safety checks; warnings and instructions for use and responsible sale.
The TSI guidelines aim to minimise the potential risks associated with the misuse of sky lanterns, and to help the industry to recognise the necessary safety checks and information required to ensure their responsible sale and safe use. Amongst its recommendations, the Code of Practice advises that manufacturers carry out a risk assessment of any proposed product, covering its size and shape, construction, packaging, and labelling, and including documented practical safety trials. It also includes a sample warning notice and instructions for use, and guidance for distributors and retailers on selling sky lanterns responsibly.
CFOA’s Director of Prevention, Protection and Road Safety, Dave Curry said: “We welcome the issue of the Trading Standards Institute’s Code of Practice as a step towards minimising the potential risks associated with the use of Sky Lanterns.
“Whilst we would still discourage the widespread use of these lanterns as they are a fire hazard, and pose a risk to livestock, agriculture, camping activities, thatched properties and hazardous material sites, the recommendations in this guidance aim to help reduce these risks, and to encourage best practice in their manufacture, distribution and sales.”