Don’t let a fire be a deaf trap
Don’t Let A Fire Be A Deaf Trap
How would you feel if you were alone in a room and could not hear the fire alarm? This is a major concern to over 10 million deaf & hard of hearing people. That is a staggering 1 in 6 of the UK population.
For nearly 15 years we have specialised in this area and Alarmscom have a simple and proven low cost answer, allowing companies to be compliant and ‘deaf aware’.
The DMS system alerts all connected users to your fire alarm activation via an instant text message relay service. Making it the perfect cost effective solution for the hearing impaired also alerting important members of staff who may be off site.
Our many installed sites include; Transport for London, Wembley Arena, Friends Life, Major Aerospace companies, well known Shopping Centres, plus a large number of the UK’s top Colleges and Universities covering both Academic & Residential buildings. Below is just one testimonial, more can be found at