Voice Sounders Enable Faster Evacuation In Dutch Garden Centres
Voice Sounders Enable Faster Evacuation In Dutch Garden Centres
Performance based design calculations showed that the effect of the desired alterations in the layouts gave an undesirable effect on the safety of the occupants in case of fire – the RSET being more than the Available Safe Egress Time (ASET). Both buildings were already equipped with an approved fire alarm system and sounders producing the mandatory slow-whoop evacuation signal. Fire research has shown that the time to start evacuation is dependant upon the type of cue that staff and customers receive. Thus by changing the cue, the RSET could be improved.
In both of these cases the actual egress time proved to be approximately 3 minutes too long compared to the required time when based on the application of a conventional warning signal. Only when using clear spoken directions and staff assistance could the required improvement in RSET be realised to the satisfaction of the fire engineers and the fire authorities. This left the fire protection engineers at Prevent IVG with the need to find a voice evacuation solution with a limited budget. The option to renew the existing PA equipment and cabling was undesirable due to increased cost and extended installation time, so Prevent IVG turned to Vimpex for the answer.
At each garden centre approximately 30 Fire-Cryer┬« Plus multi-message voice sounders were installed on existing cabling, replacing conventional sounders. A combination of Standard, Midi and Maxi Fire-Cryer┬« Plus models were used, depending on the location and environment. The high sound output and rugged design of the Midi and Maxi units are ideal for outdoor areas or large open spaces. This ensured that a fire alarm alert, an evacuation message, an all-clear and a test message could be broadcast with a clarity that ensures everyone evacuates quickly and safely. By using the Fire-Cryer┬« Plus the required reduction in RSET of some 3 minutes was accomplished with a minimum of cost and to the satisfaction of the building’s owners, fire engineers, installers and authorities.
For more information please visit www.vimpex.co.uk