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Jalite Offers Guidance on Fire Action Notices

Jalite Offers Guidance on Fire Action Notices

Best practice guidance is that fire action notices are displayed at conspicuous locations.  Now these conspicuous locations can vary from premises to premises and be dependent on the findings of the formal fire risk assessment process.  However, as a starting point we offer that consideration be given to siting as a minimum, a fire action notice next to each and every manual fire alarm call point.  
Regarding the wording on a fire action notice there is no absolute wording, rather the text should reflect what the actual procedures are in the event of a fire/alarm sounding and that wording should be as simple as possible.  
For example we come across numerous fire action notices that are displayed in public areas that include the instructions to fight the fire with the appliances provided, albeit in some cases with the caveat if suitably trained and safe to do so.  However, on discussion with the Responsible Person we find that for whatever reason, they do not want the majority of staff to try and fight fires, let alone members of the public and visitors.  If there are suitably trained staff then this instruction to fight fires using the appliances provided can be included, if necessary, on a staff fire action notice displayed in back of house locations.     
Similarly, active fire safety management procedures and staff training (both for existing and new/temporary staff), on the importance of keeping fire doors closed when not in use to maintain the integrity of the means of escape route and how to contact the fire brigade, could negate the need to include additional text on a fire action notice.
All fire safety signs, which would include fire action notices, are expected to be able to be seen at all material times whilst the building is occupied and that would include instances upon failure of the normal lighting.  This may be achieved by ensuring that an emergency light fitting is in close proximity to each and every required sign to provide illumination of the sign in the event of failure of the normal lighting.  However, in our experience this is not always the case and to provide additional emergency lights above each and every sign is impractical and costly.
Therefore we offer that, under a risk assessment based approach, consideration can be given to using photoluminescent signs as a cost effective alternative in ensuring that the signs remain visible when they are likely to be needed the most – in an emergency.  Jalite AAA photoluminescent signs can be activated by in-situ lux levels as low as 25 lux and once energised will remain visible to the dark adapted human eye in excess of 3 hours.
For the available range of standard fire action notices please visit our website www.jalite.co.uk

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