Fire Risk Assessment News

The Fire Safety Log Book is the starting and finishing point for a better fire safety culture.

The Fire Safety Log Book is the starting and finishing point for a better fire safety culture.

The principle purpose

A log book enables an employer to keep adequate records of a very wide range of fire safety-related actions, as an aid to compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. It is an essential tool to help an organisation keep on top of things with regards to all of your fire safety matters. The record keeping will provide valuable resources to assist you in; a good fire safety culture and a quality safety management structure and providing evidence to enforcing authorities or the courts that you have done everything that is reasonable expected to ensure safety and to comply with law.

There is also a second purpose

It will also prompt employers of any new precautions which they were not previously aware of, to take action with regards to your fire risk assessment or general fire safety matters. Each chapter in our log book is covered in great detail and will give you the chance to note items that you may not have recorded in your fire risk assessment. The forms in the fire risk assessment section of the log book are designed to assist the employer’s consideration of the sources of ignition, combustible materials and people that may be on the premises. The survey constitutes the basis of the fire risk assessment and using the forms will help to prevent any major omissions from the process. The forms in the subsequent sections of the Log Book will help the employer and equipment provided for the protection of the lives of the people present. The effective operation of the equipment by trained staff will also help to minimise damage to the property and disruption to business operations in the event of a fire.


The CD-ROM version (which is available with the Log Book) is included inside the binder’s front cover. This contains electrical versions of the Log Book’s record sheets; where users can print out however many copies of the different sheets they need if they maintain paper records,or else use them as the basis of electronic records. It is a great opportunity for the owner of this log book to keep using the same book rather than buy anew one every time space runs out.

 Our Fire Safety Log Book is priced at £70.00

If you would like to receive extracts of a fire safety log book to ensure that you are making the right decision please contact Solutions Fire Safety Ltd now.

To order your fire safety log book or for further information please do not hesitate to contact us on 0845 601 2632 or alternatively email